9 Little Known Facts About Mark Twain

Hayley Igarashi and Good Reads present 9 Little Known Facts About Mark Twain.  Here are three of my favorites

1. At the peak of his fame, a letter addressed to “Mark Twain, God Knows Where” was actually delivered.
This was not an isolated occurrence. Other successfully delivered letters were addressed to “Mark Twain, Somewhere,” “Mark Twain, c/o President Roosevelt. The White House,” and “Mark Twain, Somewhere, (Try Satan).”

3. In another world, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer might’ve been written by Thomas Jefferson Snodgrass.
Most people know Mark Twain is the pen name of Samuel Clemens, but did you know about the author’s other pseudonyms? He also tried out the pen names W. Epaminondas Adrastus Perkins, Sergeant Fathom, John Snooks, and Thomas Jefferson Snodgrass.

6. Nikola Tesla and Twain became friends because of a very effective electrical charge.
Few friendships have been forged under more unusual circumstances. Desperate to find a cure for his constipation, Twain visited one of Nikola Tesla’s salons, where the scientist conducted some of his more outlandish experiments. One electrical charge and a few x-rays later, Twain was cured. The two men remained friends for the rest of their lives.